About Us
Newman School caters for young people with SEND from ages 2 to 19 in the Rotherham area. We work with lots of other fantastic local providers to make sure each of our pupils achieve their potential.
Carolyn Briggs – Chair of Governing Body and Finance Committee
WIll Harrison – Co-opted Governor for GDPR and on Finance Committee
Nicki Bromilow – Co-opted Governor
Roz Danks – Governor
Deborah Wheelan – Safeguarding Governor
Darren Atkinson – Governor
The remit of the Governing Body includes the following core functions:
In exercising their functions the Governing body agrees to:
The Head Teacher’s responsibilities include:
Newman School caters for young people with SEND from ages 2 to 19 in the Rotherham area. We work with lots of other fantastic local providers to make sure each of our pupils achieve their potential.