
Contact Us

Write to us at:

Michaela Glarvey

Newman School,

East Bawtry Road,




Phone: 01709828262 

Resource: 01709362542 

Fax: 01709821162


School open to pupils:

09:10 – 15:25 (31.25 hours)

9:10 a.m. – 3:25 p.m.

(Currently under review to meet the statutory minimum 32.5 in September 2024).

Paper Copies

If you require any of the information on this website as a paper copy, then we are more than happy to provide that for you.

Get in touch by any contact method on this page and leave your name and address. We will send the information via post, or have it available to collect from our reception.


General enquiries at Newman Main Site 

Address enquiries to: Lucy Dalton

General enquiries at Newman Additional Resource 

Address enquiries to: Michaela Glarvey

General enquiries at Dinnington Site and Curriculum Information

Address enquiries to: Emma Love

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Internal Links

Documentation & Poilcies

If there are any documents or policies that are mentioned within our statutory documentation that are not available on the website, then please get in touch and we can supply you with either a digital or physical copy.

Other Key Documentation

Please find below a selection of other key pieces of documentation and information.

KS5 Information

Pupil Destinations

Please see the graph for a detailed breakdown for the destinations of students that have left us within the last 5 years. ‘Unknown’ is where that we have been unable to establish the destination of a pupil.

Pupil Retention

Below are the percentages of pupils for the last 3 years who transitioned from our KS4 provision into our KS5 provision.

2019-2020 – 100%

2020-2021 – 100% 

2021-2022 – 100%

2022-2023 – 88%

KS5 Documentation

Other Information

Number of staff with a salary of over £100,000 P/A – NIL

Time taken off by staff who are union officials – NIL

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